How the Blockchain works
A high level overview of the technical aspects of Blockchain.
What is a Blockchain?
Resources Used:
TLDR : Imagine a blockchain is like an append only, singly linked-list that anyone in the world can see.
Key Concepts
A hash is a fingerprint of some digital data.
Regardless if the input data is 1 char or an entire library, a unique hash will be generated. SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit) produces a fixed-size 256-bit hash value.
According to Bitbo, there is reportedly 200 million active Bitcoin addresses.
The chances you randomly guess/brute force a seed phrase is about:
TLDR: The odds someone hacks your Bitcoin address through guessing/brute force is essentially 0.
A block is a container that holds a list of transactions or data records.
- Data: Transactions or records that the block stores
- Nonce: A value used in mining to find a valid hash
- Hash: Digital signature combining block number, data, previous block’s hash, nonce, and timestamp
A chain of blocks that are cryptographically linked together.
Blockchains are “immutable” because changing ANY data in a block will:
- Change the hash of that block
- Invalidate all subsequent blocks
- Each block can hold ~4,000 transactions (1MB limit)
Distributed System
Distributed System
The network is distributed, meaning:
- Anyone can see the blockchain
- The network accepts the majority consensus
- The longest chain is typically considered valid