Overview of Smart Contracts
Self executing code stored on the blockchain network
Building on the themes introduced in the Bitcoin whitepaper that try to eliminate the use of intermediaries, Smart Contracts automatically and deterministically executes agreements based on predefined conditions.
Brief Intro
In 1990s, computer Scientist and lawyer Nick Szabo first proposed the idea of smart contracts and used a vending machine analogy.
Imagine a vending machine: You insert money, select a snack, and it automatically delivers your choice. No cashier needed—the machine enforces the deal. Similarly, a smart contract is a self-executing agreement that runs automatically when conditions are met, without human intermediaries. Smart contracts can automate virtually any kind of exchange.
A smart contract can be created and deployed to a blockchain by anyone. Their code is transparent and publicly verifiable, which means that any interested party can see exactly what logic a smart contract follows when it receives digital assets.