Lets deploy your first smart contract
Connect to a VPN
Download Metamask
Connect wallet to testnet
For the purposes of our demo, we are going to complete all operations on Testnet. Mainnet is real. You are transacting with real currencies etc. On Testnet is a sandbox environment and duplicate of Mainnet. As the name suggests, it provides developers with a sandbox environment to test code.
Fund Wallet
Since it’s a testnet, funds are free. However, since we are simulating a real environment, actions on-chain will still require gas. That is why we need to fund in. Take your Sepolia public address and put it into Google Web3 Faucet
Grab private key
Walkthrough on where to grab your private keys
Create env file in Foundry project
It’s good practice to keep sensitive info such as private keys hidden in env files.
Wallet Private Key
Your private keys are used to sign transactions on the blockchain. When we are deploying a contract on-chain, we are the ones signing off on this action.
RPC Node
RPC nodes act as the bridge between your code and the actual blockchain. We can get a free one right here.
Now lets run source .env to update your load your env file into your project