Intro to Smart Contracts
Self executing code stored on the blockchain network
This workshop will focus on smart contracts with an emphasis on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. We will cover at a high level what a smart contract is, and how they can be used to create decentralized applications (dApps), more specifically on the Ethereum network.
A disclaimer I want to make at the start of this workshop is that I want you guys to treat blockchains and web3 just as any other software. I want to take it from first principles and an objective standpoint. At the end of the day, software is neutral, it’s how you use it that makes it “good” or “bad”.
Some tools we will be using today
Etherscan (Testnet)
Etherscan is a comprehensive blockchain explorer created for the Ethereum blockchain. Provides tools and features to interact with and analyze network data
Metamask is a self-custody crypto wallet that allows users to connect on chain through a browser extension.
Foundry is a smart contract development kit that provides a comprehensive suite of tools for building and deploying decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. (Written in Rust btw)
Google web3 faucet
Application that dispenses free tokens on a testnet (a blockchain network used for development and testing).
RPC Node
To deploy contracts to the blockchain, we need to connect to a RPC node. Heres a good free one that we will be using for the workshop.
Proton VPN
Good free VPN that doesn’t keep logs.